I am Samuel Brandton. I shoot weddings in Amsterdam and surrounding areas. Also I work in commerce and shoot for magazines and fashion projects.
Hello! I am a creative photographer
+125 156 334 2017
Professional photography is a part of your image. I successfully cope with different types of commercial events.
My pricelist
I have some plans of payment for my service to have an imagine of budget plans. If you have some special offering, please contact me personally.
Gulierm Sandos
Sam was working with us smth like a month. We created a great photo report about our places, customers. Sam has a view of a painter and clear ideas of a designer
Miranda Wise
Hello Samuel! Wanted to thank you again! I was really happy working with you. Our wedding memories are reflected fully in your works. All my family says you are a genius!
Marianna Stone
Good photographer knows better! Sam is great. When first we met and I told him about an idea of a project, Sam evolved my ideas in something very special.
Trevor Viewport
Samuel is an artist in photography world. Working in his special style and techniques he is always in trend!
Order a photosession
Send me some your contacts and a short description of your case and i will contact you to discuss.
Samuel's blog
That's right, I have a blog about photography. There are my cases, stories and advices from my practice. I write about people in photo and design industry which I like.
Unusual marridge on isle, row, beautifull guests and breathtaking ceremony.
A week in Guatemala shooting for the Shine magazine. Backstages, cloudbursts, girls and nature.
I got a new camera a week ago and now I'm ready to tell about my inpression.
+786 664 223 1294
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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